Meaning of বড় in Marathi
- मोठा
- मोठा करणे
- लोखंडी जाळीची चौकट
- मोठे
- मोठ्या प्रमाणात
- मोठ्या
- जास्तीत जास्त
- उंचावरचा
- अप्पर
- वेदर
English usage of বড়
- the record's been on the streets a while now, but it's still worth bigging up
- big cuts in staff
- the record's been on the streets a while now, but it's still worth bigging up
- the sweater comes in small, medium, and large sizes
- large-scale commercial farming
- the company was aiming to maximize profits
- the company was aiming to maximize profits
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