Meaning of برداشت کرنا in Marathi
- परवडेल
- सहनशील
- सहन करा
- वहन
- प्रेम
- सहन
- ग्रस्त
- सहन करणे
- सहन केले
- सहनशीलता
- प्रतिकार
- ताठपणा
- सोबत
Meaning of برداشت کرنا in English
English usage of برداشت کرنا
- the best that I could afford was a first-floor room
- insect-borne pollen
- it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain
- he proved to be remarkably forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry
- he'd suffered intense pain
- colorfully painted tole accessories
- a regime unwilling to tolerate dissent
- a regime unwilling to tolerate dissent
- a regime unwilling to tolerate dissent
- the structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph
- the structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph
- the structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph
Synonyms of ‘برداشت کرنا’
Antonyms of ‘برداشت کرنا’
Articles Related to ‘برداشت کرنا’
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