Meaning of خراب in Marathi
- तयार करणे
- एसरबेट
- वाईट
- बदमाश
- भ्रष्ट
- नुकसान झाले
- विकृत
- र्हासकारक
- इरोड
- अपूर्ण
- नाजूक
- दुर्बल
- विस्कळीत
- त्रासदायक
- उच्छृंखल
- दुर्दैवाने
- कुरूप
- अस्वस्थ
- दुर्भावनायुक्त
- अपायकारक
- गैरप्रकार
- परिपूर्ण
- धोकादायक
- क्षीण
- खराब झाले
- लुबाडणे
- खराब करणे
- बिघडवणे
- बिघडलेले
- खराब होत आहे
- खराब
- निर्गुण
- खराब करत आहे
- खराब होणे
- वॉर्स्ट
- वाईट करणे
- खराब होते
- तडकाफडकी
- उग्र
Meaning of خراب in English
English usage of خراب
- there is a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts
- damaged ligaments
- he defaced library books
- his deformed hands
- the cliffs have been eroded by the sea
- Tourists also damage the fragile ecosystem by dumping plastic waste and driving over the grasslands.
- an impaired banking system
- drug use that impairs job performance
- absurdities continually irrupt into the narrative
- absurdities continually irrupt into the narrative
- absurdities continually irrupt into the narrative
- she ignored his lecherous gaze
- her ribs are malformed
- Jonathon periled his life for love of David
- any tappings that aren't being used on the cylinder can be fitted with screwed blanks
- a series of political blunders spoiled their chances of being re-elected
- he acts like a spoiled brat
- a series of political blunders spoiled their chances of being re-elected
- he acts like a spoiled brat
- taking the spear, he set off to spoor the man
- taking the spear, he set off to spoor the man
- her condition worsened on the flight
- her condition worsened on the flight
- her condition worsened on the flight
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