Meaning of وسیع in Marathi
- वाढवणे
- व्यापक
- विस्तृत
- सर्वसमावेशक
- विस्तार
- मॅक्रो
- स्पॅनियल
- प्रशस्त
- मंद
- अफाट
- विशाल
- सर्वत्र
- रुंद
Meaning of وسیع in English
English usage of وسیع
- the heir will be the nearest agnate
- a broad staircase
- the river slowed and broadened out slightly
- a broad staircase
- I had to skid my bike sideways to avoid broadsiding her
- a comprehensive list of sources
- elaborate security precautions
- the green expanse of the forest
- deep, expansive canyons
- an extensive garden
- the analysis of social events at the macro level
- In the Middle Ages, a type of spaniel was bred, the ancestor of some of our modern spaniels, that would naturally crouch when it located game.
- some of the material is rather stodgy and top-heavy with facts
- a vast plain of buffalo grass
- a wide road
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