Meaning of अनुकूलन in Marathi
- रुपांतर
- पसंतीचा
- सानुकूलने
- सानुकूल करण्यायोग्य
- सानुकूलन
- सुधारणा
- अनुकूलित करीत आहे
- सर्वोत्तमीकरण
- अनुकूलन
Meaning of अनुकूलन in English
English usage of अनुकूलन
- the adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students' needs
- the new software allows customization
- a customizable keyboard designed with the gamer in mind
- the new software allows customization
- to optimize viewing conditions, the microscope should be correctly adjusted
- the developers know many optimizations can be made
- to optimize viewing conditions, the microscope should be correctly adjusted
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