Meaning of उपनाम in Marathi
- अज्ञेय
- उपनाव
- उर्फ
- संज्ञान
- अंतिम नावे
- टोपणनाव
- टोपणनावे
- पेन नाव
- नाव
- आडनाव
- उपनाम
Meaning of उपनाम in English
English usage of उपनाम
- he earned the agnomen “Coriolanus” by conspicuous bravery in battle
- a spy operating under the alias Barsad
- a spy operating under the alias Barsad
- A grateful Senate voted him the cognomen Augustus, by which name he is generally known in the history books.
- his fraternity brothers nicknamed him “The Bird” because of his skydiving skills
- his early work was written under the pen name of Owen Meredith
- I wrote under the pseudonym of Evelyn Hervey
- Eddie Penham, so aptly surnamed, had produced a hand-painted sign for us
- surnames started off as bynames to distinguish two persons in the same locality
- The eponyms are the French Marquis de Sade and the Austrian Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.
- “wisdom” is a paronym of “wise.”
- In an attempt to gain acceptance for the use of duplicate binomials, MacMillan proposed the tautonym A. apios.
- Without literary traditions, they relied on mental maps for describing places and fixed specific locations using toponyms and oral descriptions.
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