
Meaning of गैरवर्तन in Marathi

  • गैरवर्तन

Meaning of गैरवर्तन in English

English usage of गैरवर्तन

  • abnegation of political lawmaking power
  • the judge abused his power by imposing the fines
  • the headmaster regarded her with disfavor
  • the doctor said my son was a malingerer
  • people who had psychosomatic complaints were probably malingering
  • victims of medical malpractice
  • Mothers who fear a malpresentation should discuss with their doctors what options are available.
  • No parents or other adults should exploit, abuse or maltreat children.
  • No parents or other adults should exploit, abuse or maltreat children.
  • 16 percent of children experience serious maltreatment at the hands of their parents
  • 16 percent of children experience serious maltreatment at the hands of their parents
  • once new technology is adopted, it is often underused or misapplied
  • department officials had misappropriated funds
  • department officials had misappropriated funds
  • an alleged misappropriation of funds
  • an alleged misappropriation of funds
  • a misbegotten journey to Indianapolis
  • We have Christmas parties and days out, and it is nice not to be embarrassed when your child misbehaves or is acting badly.
  • We have Christmas parties and days out, and it is nice not to be embarrassed when your child misbehaves or is acting badly.
  • We have Christmas parties and days out, and it is nice not to be embarrassed when your child misbehaves or is acting badly.
  • We have Christmas parties and days out, and it is nice not to be embarrassed when your child misbehaves or is acting badly.
  • he had denied all sexual misbehavior
  • the misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response
  • he had denied all sexual misbehavior
  • the misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response
  • he is badly miscast in the romantic lead
  • by pure mischance the secret was revealed
  • by pure mischance the secret was revealed
  • she'll make sure Danny doesn't get into mischief
  • she was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal
  • Civil servants are liable to disciplinary action if they fail to observe any government regulation or official instruction, misconduct themselves in any manner or, by their actions, bring the civil service into disrepute.
  • Civil servants are liable to disciplinary action if they fail to observe any government regulation or official instruction, misconduct themselves in any manner or, by their actions, bring the civil service into disrepute.
  • her miscreant husband
  • miscue analysis is a way of listening to children read aloud for diagnostic purposes
  • miscue analysis is a way of listening to children read aloud for diagnostic purposes
  • If the cards are misdealt in any way, they must be shuffled, cut and dealt again.
  • If the cards are misdealt in any way, they must be shuffled, cut and dealt again.
  • If the cards are misdealt in any way, they must be shuffled, cut and dealt again.
  • his past misdeeds were forgiven
  • his past misdeeds were forgiven
  • ‘Court and police precinct records show,’ a municipal agency maintained, ‘that in arrests, convictions, misdemeanants , felons, female police problems and juvenile delinquencies, these areas are in the lead.’
  • the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor
  • the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor
  • the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor
  • when a police officer goes to prison, he often suffers more for his misdoings
  • when a police officer goes to prison, he often suffers more for his misdoings
  • he was diffident and always misdoubted his own ability
  • In contrast with the tort of misfeasance in public office, bad faith is not an ingredient of the tort; it is not a defence for the defendant to say that he acted in good faith.
  • she must have misheard him
  • she must have misheard him
  • he was accused of mismanaging the economy
  • he denied mistreating his workers
  • he denied mistreating his workers
  • he denied mistreating his workers
  • the alleged mistreatment of the animals that perform in those shows
  • he denied mistreating his workers

Synonyms of ‘गैरवर्तन

Antonyms of ‘गैरवर्तन

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