Meaning of गोली in Marathi
- बंदूकीची गोळी
- कम्यून
- आनंदी
- बंदूक
- गोळी
- पीललेटिंग
- टॅबलेट
Meaning of गोली in English
English usage of गोली
- you can apply your lipstick straight from the bullet but I like to use a brush
- “Golly! Is that the time?”
- Gardaí in Claremorris are investigating an incident in which a number of gunshots were fired at a house in the town.
- fish food pellets
- This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
- synthetics can pill but otherwise wear fairly well
- at the corner of the apse is a memorial tablet
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