Meaning of पतला in Marathi
- पातळ
- सौम्य
- गॉझी
- जिलेटिनस
- गॉसमर
- कलते
- लिक्विड करणे
- कातडी
- बारीक
- निंदनीय
- सडपातळ
- निविदा
- थ्रीडी
Meaning of पतला in English
English usage of पतला
- diluted fruit juice
- bleach can be diluted with cold water
- a gauzy dress
- a sweet, gelatinous drink
- So I made a classic cross-hair from spider's gossamer and used it to pinpoint a cell in the area I wanted to watch.
- he was inclined to accept the offer
- liquidize the soup until quite smooth
- his skinny arms
- his skinny arms
- her slender neck
- her slender neck
- her slender neck
- I need to slim down a bit
- the tail tapers to a rounded tip
- thin slices of bread
- the remorseless fire of archers thinned their ranks
- dampen a clean rag with thinners and carefully wipe any remaining dust from the timber
- he managed a thready whisper
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