Meaning of सम्मान in Marathi
- प्रशंसा
- आदर
- भक्ता
- सन्मान
- संबंधित
- आदर करणे
Meaning of सम्मान in English
English usage of सम्मान
- the ultimate official accolade of a visit by the president
- he addressed her with the deference due to age
- you have done your devoir right well
- they honore their parents in all they did
- they honore their parents in all they did
- they honore their parents in all they did
- they honore their parents in all they did
- he was highly regarded by senators of both parties
- provincial notions of respectability
- he began to have serious worries respecting his car
- the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor
- Cézanne's still lifes were revered by his contemporaries
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