Meaning of চমত্কার in Marathi
- धमकावणे
- उत्कृष्ट
- विलक्षण
- सागरी मासा
- सुंदर
- राजकुमार
- फडफड
- तेजस्वी
- स्पॅनिंग
- भव्य
- उत्स्फूर्त
- उत्कृष्टता
- अद्भुत
- उत्कृष्टपणा
- अद्भुतपणा
Meaning of চমত্কার in English
English usage of চমত্কার
- a local man was bullied into helping them
- a 3-bedroom house in excellent condition
- your support has been fantastic
- everything is hunky-dory
- a pretty little girl with an engaging grin
- the princely states of India
- the princely states of India
- she's going to have a ripping time
- you deserve a good spanking
- you deserve a good spanking
- a splendid view of Windsor Castle
- the banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal
- a superb performance
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