Meaning of અણઘડ in Marathi
- अनियंत्रित
- गोंधळ
- अवघड
- गोंधळलेला
- ढवळाढवळ
- क्लासमियर
- अनाकलनीय
- अनाड़ी
- उच्छृंखल
- असमाधान
- भांडण
- उदास
- अवांछित
- अनधिकृत
- विचित्रपणे
Meaning of અણઘડ in English
English usage of અણઘડ
- ultraviolet radiation penetrates the clumpy clouds
- the cold made his fingers clumsy
- I reached over and fumbled clumsily until my finger found the button
- the cold made his fingers clumsy
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