Meaning of ઉત્તેજક in Marathi
- विलक्षण
- तीव्र
- गोंधळ
- उत्साही
- निकृष्ट
- उत्तेजक
- उत्स्फूर्त
- आश्चर्यकारक
- चिडखोर
- अप्रिय
- रोमांचक
- सुटणारा
- विस्मयकारक
- सभ्य
- फेटिक
- उत्सुक
- उन्माद
- त्रासदायक
- फास्टिगेटर
- उधळपट्टी
- उत्कर्ष
- हुशार
- उदंड
- विपुल
- निरोधक
- लहरी
- उत्तेजित
- सुकेन्सर
- उत्कृष्ट
- अत्याचारी
- निराशाजनक
- उन्नत
Meaning of ઉત્તેજક in English
English usage of ઉત્તેજક
- Both enqueuing and dequeuing of packets is accomplished using decision making apparatus and congestion avoidance and dequeue management hardware.
- his face empurpled with fury
- the issue engendered continuing controversy
- the issue engendered continuing controversy
- In the past tense configuration, however, the Pashto agreement system is ergative : the Agreement is verb - subject agreement with intransitives, but verb - object agreement with transitives.
- Edible algae as well as higher plants that are manipulated so that they are esculent as a whole are cultivated there.
- powerfully evocative lyrics
- Chip could be a bit wayward and excitable
- what happens when chemical excitants flood into the brain?
- Although the electric leads to the exciter were doubly shielded, they nonetheless picked up energy at 60 Hz and its harmonics from ambient fields in the laboratory.
- an exciting breakthrough
- excruciating back pain
- the excurrent siphon
- fretted notes
- a gusty morning
- that infuriating half-smile on his face
- raucous youths
- the sheriff commanded him to stand still and drop the gun
- caffeine has stimulant effects on the heart
- Some commonly used medications include antidepressants, anti-psychotics and stimulants .
- a rich and stimulating working environment
- glucose is the main stimulator of insulin release
- The plea came from Lincoln cathedral succentor - the priest responsible for singing at the ancient minster - who is also warden of Edward King House, the Lincoln diocesan conference centre.
- unstimulating conversation
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