Meaning of ઉદ્ધત in Marathi
- अज्ञानी
- सावध
- आवक
- दैवत
- असभ्य
- उच्छृंखल
- बोजवारा
- उन्माद
- उल्लेखनीय
- वेडसर
- उधळपट्टी करणारा
- उदासपणे
- विस्कळीत
- चुकून
- उद्दीष्ट
- सुलभ
- रुचिकर
- उदात्त
- दुर्गुण
- हिब्रूवेस
- अनाकलनीय
- उधळपट्टी
- वेगवान
- उच्छृंखलता
- उद्धट
- चिडखोरपणे
- मूर्खपणाचा
- अस्खलित
- अस्थिर
- चिडखोर
- परिचित
- उदास
- प्रोव्होटेस
- अतुलनीय
- लबाडीचा
- लबाडी
- आनंदाने
- तिरस्करणीय
- लबाडीने
- बडबड
- उंदीर
- उधळपट्टी केली
- निंदा करणे
- बंडखोर
- क्रूरपणे
- विचित्र
- उत्कटतेने
- उदारपणा
- कठोरपणे
- प्रवचनविना
- अपराधी
- अप्रकाशित
- अबाधित
- निर्दय
- अनावश्यकपणे
- न उलगडणारे
- अटल
- बिनधास्तपणा
- सावधानता
Meaning of ઉદ્ધત in English
English usage of ઉદ્ધત
- He was a prolific author and actively contributed to the scientific literature on phobias, pain, habit control, anxiety management, healing, bruxism , and hypnotic techniques.
- men cannot praise Dryden without dispraising Coleridge
- In this type of cryptography the encryption function (which enciphers a message) can be computed by anybody, using the public key.
- unfortunately, complexity isn't always evitable
- The Turkish sentence has an economy of words and an elegance which are due to the language being agglutinative, using participles, gerundives , and gerunds.
- the defendant was in a state of insobriety
- she was sacked for insolence
- she hated the insolent tone of his voice
- There is a vestigial non-functional perigynous disc and nectar is secreted by glandular trichomes distributed along the internal surface of the corolla.
- the phrenic nerves
- his ratty eyes glittered
- No one has yet requested to have relatives re-interred at Gorton, Manchester General or Phillips Park cemeteries, which means all the others will be reburied at Bury.
- Like rorquals , gray whales are migratory species.
- she taught the girls the rudiments of reading and writing
- her experiences of transgressive love with both sexes
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