Meaning of એકીકરણ in Marathi
- आकुंचन
- अस्वस्थता
- एकांतवासी
- एकसंध
- कोएनोमोरमेंट
- एकत्रीकरण
- एकीकरण
- एकात्मता
- एकाग्रता
- एकसमान
- एकनिष्ठपणा
- अस्थिरता
- बिनचूकपणा
- निरपेक्षता
- असमर्थता
- मिलन
- युनिटेशन
Meaning of એકીકરણ in English
English usage of એકીકરણ
- the first phase of the project is to consolidate the outside walls
- the permanent consolidation of peace
- integration of individual countries into trading blocs
- integration of individual countries into trading blocs
- the costs of German unification
- A progressive union of Europe requires the political unification of the working class.
- agricultural laborers were slow to unionize
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