Meaning of ચળકાટ in Marathi
- गोंधळ
- चमकदारपणा
- मोहक
- चिडखोर
- चकमक
- चकचकीत
- चमक
- चकाकी
- चमकदार
- चकाकणे
- ग्लिटर
- तकाकी
- तकतकीत
- शब्दकोष
- झांजे
- लहरीपणा
- विचित्रपणा
Meaning of ચળકાટ in English
English usage of ચળકાટ
- he died an embittered man
- I would take a flitch, lift the head up and go back, and before I started my next cut, I would take the flitch and spin it 90 degrees.
- if only you would settle down instead of flittering around the countryside
- Add up all the lions, elephants, warthogs, giraffes, gazelles , zebras, impalas, topis and hyenas that live on these plains and they fail to outnumber the gnus.
- Some historians believe that it was he who simplified the Glagolitic alphabet and named it after his teacher St Cyril.
- light gleamed on the china cats
- At first, they tended to be peakless soft round caps or folding blue bonnets, like the Scots glengarry , and by the end of the century most armies had softer and more comfortable caps to wear.
- her glasses were glinting in the firelight
- her glasses were glinting in the firelight
- her glasses were glinting in the firelight
- his cheeks glistened with tears
- the wedding ring caught the light, glistering brightly
- the wedding ring caught the light, glistering brightly
- trees and grass glittered with dew
- the social costs of this growth are glossed over
- the social costs of this growth are glossed over
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