Meaning of જીવંત in Marathi
- जिवंत
- सशक्त
- जीवंत
- चैतन्यशील
- चेतन
- चिरकाल
- निरोगी
- अन्वेषण
- अन्वेषित
- जीवनात
- सजीव
- चंचल
- अज्ञात
- राहतात
- अथियो
- पशुधन
- चैतन्य
- लाइव्ह
- जिवंत राहिलो
- लिव्हिड
- पुनरुत्थान
- अपरिवर्तनीय
- निर्जीव
- पुनरुज्जीवन
- दोलायमान
- जीवनशैली
- उत्साहाने
- जीवंत करणे
- विव्हिसिटेबल
- विकिपीडिया
Meaning of જીવંત in English
English usage of જીવંત
- he was kept alive by a feeding-tube
- the wartime routine was enlivened by a series of concerts
- the wartime routine was enlivened by a series of concerts
- In Kisumu, at least 100 teachers have rejected an offer by the Kenya National Examinations Council to invigilate and supervise examinations.
- In Kisumu, at least 100 teachers have rejected an offer by the Kenya National Examinations Council to invigilate and supervise examinations.
- the number of live births and deaths
- she joined a lively team of reporters
- she joined a lively team of reporters
- she joined a lively team of reporters
- she joined a lively team of reporters
- liven up bland foods with a touch of mustard
- liven up bland foods with a touch of mustard
- liven up bland foods with a touch of mustard
- liven up bland foods with a touch of mustard
- he was livid at being left out
- there was only temporary respite from reiving and feuding
- he broke down sobbing as he relived the attack
- an economic revival
- both men collapsed, but were revived
- he got into the car, revved up the engine and drove off
- a vibrant cosmopolitan city
- yoga calms and vitalizes body and mind
- she was dark-haired and vivacious
- outings vivify learning for children
- outings vivify learning for children
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