
Meaning of ધ્રુજારી in Marathi

  • शोष
  • शोक करा
  • धडधडणे
  • गोंधळलेले
  • बेर्केक
  • बीरोड
  • गोंधळ घालणे
  • गोंधळ
  • ढोरਕੀ
  • लहरी
  • हातोडा
  • डोक्याचा थरथरणाऱ्या स्वरूपात
  • धुंद
  • अर्धपुतळा
  • गृहिणी
  • श्रवणीय
  • धोक्याचा
  • धिक्कार
  • चिंताजनक
  • पोटरटेल
  • पिययटर्स
  • कटुता
  • निर्विकार
  • ध्रुव
  • धक्कादायक
  • लहरीपणाने
  • पाठीमागे
  • गर्जना
  • त्रासदायक
  • रुडले
  • थरथर कापत आहे
  • हादरेल
  • थरथरणा .्या
  • शेकआउट
  • थरथरतो
  • अस्थिरता
  • थरथरणे
  • थरथरले
  • खडबडीत
  • शेमर
  • लज्जास्पद
  • धडकी भरली
  • थरकाप
  • थरथर कापत
  • थडगे
  • थरार
  • हादरले
  • थरारणे
  • कंटाळवाणेपणा
  • कंटाळवाणे
  • ओरडणे
  • थिरकणारा
  • काटेरी झुडूप
  • धडधड
  • भरभराट
  • डबडबले
  • दगडफेक
  • त्रिकोणाकृती
  • भीतीने थरथर
  • थरथर कापणारा
  • थरथर कापणारे
  • कंप
  • कंपित
  • थरथर
  • ध्रुवप्रवाह
  • हादरे
  • डगमगणे
  • घाबरणारा
  • विलक्षण
  • अस्वस्थ

English usage of ધ્રુજારી

  • without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
  • the surging crowds clamored for attention
  • the surging crowds clamored for attention
  • he was hobbling around on crutches
  • an obituary notice
  • the world was poised between peace and war
  • Postlarvae settling at the vents have reasonably normal ommatidia, with layered rhabdoms , standard crystalline cones, and faceted external corneas reflective of the zoeal apposition eye.
  • the nine cords of good spruce wood ricked up in the back yard
  • that lawyer rooked me out of it
  • they won't believe I've shacked up with someone so good-looking
  • the current shakeout in the computer industry
  • with a shake of its magnificent antlers the stag charged down the slope
  • buildings shook in Sacramento and tremors were felt in Reno
  • he shambled off down the corridor
  • he shambled off down the corridor
  • my career was in a shambles
  • a big, shambling, shy man
  • I shanked a shot and hit a person on a shoulder
  • Magnesium deficiency may be associated with the disorder of shanking , in which the bunch stems and berries shrivel before ripening.
  • There they lived in settlements of temporary huts called in Ireland booleys (Irish ‘buaile’, ‘cattle-pound’) and in Scotland ‘ shielings ’, where they made butter and cheese and other dairy products such as ‘bonnyclabber’ or soured milk.
  • they shivered in the damp foggy cold
  • gradually his shivering slowed
  • he felt cold and shivery
  • she looks pretty shook up from the letter
  • they started pushing and shoving people out of the way
  • the peso's devaluation sent shudders through the market
  • I shuddered with horror
  • I shuddered with horror
  • the peso's devaluation sent shudders through the market
  • Simon took a deep, shuddery breath
  • the crowded streets throbbed with life
  • a throbbing vein
  • rents were doubled and probably trebled
  • rents were doubled and probably trebled
  • there was a slight tremble in his voice
  • Isobel was trembling with excitement
  • The professor says he can predict earthquakes by tracking tremblers and looking at historical data.
  • The professor says he can predict earthquakes by tracking tremblers and looking at historical data.
  • there was a slight tremble in his voice
  • she gave a queer trembly laugh
  • a disorder that causes tremors and muscle rigidity
  • Barbara's voice was tremulous
  • trucks whammed into each other
  • There were 29 Hudsonian godwits, several whimbrels , 2 dunlins, greater shearwaters and black tern.
  • the table wobbles where the leg is too short
  • the table wobbles where the leg is too short
  • The community playschool and Montessori School has gone from strength to strength over the years and now has 120 children on their books from babies, to wobblers , toddlers, playschool, Montessori and after-school children.
  • the table wobbles where the leg is too short

Synonyms of ‘ધ્રુજારી

Antonyms of ‘ધ્રુજારી

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