Meaning of નારાજગી in Marathi
- गोंधळ
- निराश
- कमी करणे
- असंतोष
- गोंधळलेला
- निष्कलंक
- नाउमेद करणे
- असंतुष्ट
- निराशाजनक
- उदासीनता
- विसरणे
- निराश करणे
- नाराजी
- नाराजीने
- नापसंती
- अप्रिय
- भांडणे
- अपमान
- बंदी
- अवमानकारक
- न मानणे
- अस्वस्थ
- अप्रियता
Meaning of નારાજગી in English
English usage of નારાજગી
- normally she would have accepted the challenge, but she demurred
- he was not noticeably discomfited by her tone
- the discontents and anxieties of the working class
- the tone of the letter displeased him
- his grin turns into thin-lipped displeasure
- his grin turns into thin-lipped displeasure
- the station gradually fell into disrepair
- the abdomen distended rapidly
- the thought of going back into the fog was repugnant to him
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