Meaning of નોંધપાત્ર in Marathi
- सिंहाचा
- अत्यंत
- सहजगत्या
- लक्षणीय
- अज्ञात
- मूर्खपणा
- अप्रिय
- अनियमित
- उल्लेखनीय
- लक्षपूर्वक
- स्वाक्षरी करण्यायोग्य
- स्थिर
- खारा
- भरीवपणा
- खंबीर
- थोडक्यात
- महत्त्वपूर्ण करणे
- भरीव
- खंबीरपणे
- सबमिट करण्यायोग्य
- घट्ट
- मूलभूत
- अधोरेखित
- सुलभ
Meaning of નોંધપાત્ર in English
English usage of નોંધપાત્ર
- a position of considerable influence
- a considerably higher density
- the results, with one notable exception, have been superb
- businessmen and local notables
- it is noteworthy that no one at the Bank has accepted responsibility for the failure
- after surgery she deteriorated noticeably
- a remarkable coincidence
- you have performed remarkably
- a significant increase in sales
- a substantial amount of cash
- the universe is a series of abstract truths, substantialized by their reference to God
- the universe is a series of abstract truths, substantialized by their reference to God
- the universe is a series of abstract truths, substantialized by their reference to God
- substantially higher earnings
- there is no substantive evidence for the efficacy of these drugs
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