Meaning of પરિચય in Marathi
- ओळखीचा
- उत्सुकता
- परिपुष्टता
- प्रेमळपणा
- परिचय
- अंतःप्रेरणा
- घुसखोरी
- परिचय देणे
- ओळख आहे
- प्रस्तावना
- अंतर्मुख
- आउटफॉर्म
Meaning of પરિચય in English
English usage of પરિચય
- is job shadowing a good familiarization technique?
- is job shadowing a good familiarization technique?
- is job shadowing a good familiarization technique?
- various new taxes were introduced
- various new taxes were introduced
- the introduction of muskrats into central Europe
- the introduction of muskrats into central Europe
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