Meaning of પ્રતિબંધિત in Marathi
- बंदी घातली
- निषिद्ध
- प्रतिबंधित
- हानीकारक
- रोखले
- मनाई
- वितरित
- लज्जित
- निषिद्धपणे
- फोर्सपेंड
- मनापासून
- पूर्वनिश्चित
- सदस्यता घेतली
- बंदी घालणे
- प्रतिबंधीत
- परवानगी
- परावृत्त
- मर्यादित
- मर्यादितपणे
- प्रतिबंधात्मक
- प्रतिबंधात्मकपणे
- निर्बंधित
Meaning of પ્રતિબંધિત in English
English usage of પ્રતિબંધિત
- he was banned from driving for a year
- the men bantered with the waitresses
- his hair was neatly barbered
- he sits by a barred window
- our biggest fear was they were going to take our script and bastardize it
- the police looked for drugs, guns, and other contraband
- If an alkene is 1,2 - disubstituted , there are two possible structures - one with the substituents on the same side and one with the substituents on the opposite sides.
- the country has been virtually embargoed by most of the noncommunist world
- a list of forbidden books
- laws prohibiting cruelty to animals
- they had deliberately fed prohibited material to their herd
- laws prohibiting cruelty to animals
- she mouthed "no" and waved her hands prohibitively
- strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces
- she refrained from comment
- Western scientists had only restricted access to the site
- some roads may have to be closed at peak times to restrict the number of visitors
- a web of restrictive regulations
- he announced the unbanning of opposition groups
- unbidden guests
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