Meaning of પ્રભાવ in Marathi
- उत्स्फूर्तता
- उत्कर्ष
- पुल
- मोह
- मताधिकार
- प्रभा
- इंफेन्स
- पुष्पगुच्छ
- ठसा
- प्रभाव
- प्रभावशीलता
- प्रभाव पाडत आहे
Meaning of પ્રભાવ in English
English usage of પ્રભાવ
- the effervescence of sparkling wine
- the waves seemed to effervesce as they swept by
- the waves seemed to effervesce as they swept by
- a massive effusion of poisonous gas
- government regulations can influence behavior, but often without changing underlying values and motivations
- government regulations can influence behavior, but often without changing underlying values and motivations
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