Meaning of બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું in Marathi
- कट्टर
- मांजरीचे पिल्लू
- काटकसर करणे
- उंचवटा
- कॅटपीस
- कॅटस्टेप
- मांजरीच्या दिशेने
- मांजरीचे हृदय
Meaning of બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું in English
English usage of બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું
- they were fired for catcalling at women
- we were all kitted out in life jackets
- Please think about adopting an adult cat rather than a kitten, because a kitten is always assured of a home!
- However, many cats are contrary and may choose the most inconvenient places to kitten in, such as your bed.
- However, many cats are contrary and may choose the most inconvenient places to kitten in, such as your bed.
- her voice had that kittenish quality
- we were all kitted out in life jackets
Synonyms of ‘બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું’
Antonyms of ‘બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું’
Articles Related to ‘બિલાડીનું બચ્ચું’
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