Meaning of ભ્રમણકક્ષા in Marathi
- कर्णक्षणीय
- केसाळ
- भयानक
- गर्भसंभोग
- भ्रूणविज्ञान
- भ्रुण
- गर्भलिंग
- परिभ्रमण
- परिक्रमा
- गोलाकार
- कक्षा
- कक्षीय
Meaning of ભ્રમણકક્ષા in English
English usage of ભ્રમણકક્ષા
- a radical filmmaker outside the Hollywood orbit
- With its emphasis on accurate space flight simulation and orbital mechanics, Orbiter is not all things to all space and astronomy enthusiasts.
- In addition, it can also lead to daunting calculations as each atom contributes its orbitals to the whole molecule.
- a lunar orbiter
- a lunar orbiter
- a radical filmmaker outside the Hollywood orbit
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