Meaning of મિશ્રણ in Marathi
- मिश्रण
- ब्लेंडे
- अतिक्रमण
- नक्कल
- दंड
- मिसळणे
- एकत्र
- मिक्सिजेनेस
- मिसळ
- मिश्रित
- मिक्सिलियन
Meaning of મિશ્રણ in English
English usage of મિશ્રણ
- blend the cornstarch with a tablespoon of water
- the blending of drinkable yogurt with fruit juice
- blend the cornstarch with a tablespoon of water
- the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs
- there's been a mix-up over the tickets
- form the mixture into a manageable dough
- form the mixture into a manageable dough
- there's a mix-up over the tickets
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