Meaning of વરસાદ in Marathi
- प्रेस
- वर्षाव
- पर्जन्यवृष्टी
- पाऊस
- पाऊस पडतो
Meaning of વરસાદ in English
English usage of વરસાદ
- we swerved toward the edge of the precipice
- the incident precipitated a political crisis
- the incident precipitated a political crisis
- they were already regretting their precipitation
- it was beginning to rain
- The officials said that if the plum rains bring disappointing rainfalls in the south, leaving farmland fallow in the summer would be the only way to prevent drought conditions.
- it was beginning to rain
- Competitors endured rainouts of three events, and moisture affected two other races.
- it was beginning to rain
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