Meaning of વિનાશ in Marathi
- विनाश
- विनाशवाद
- आपत्ती
- मृत्यू
- विध्वंस
- नाश
- अनर्थ
- विस्कळीत
- उध्वस्त करणे
- विध्वंसक
- उध्वस्त
- उधळपट्टी
- बेशुद्ध पडणे
- निर्लज्जपणा
Meaning of વિનાશ in English
English usage of વિનાશ
- the threat of global annihilation
- a crusade to annihilate evil
- a national economic catastrophe
- he had ordered him to go for the destruct button
- the avalanche left a trail of destruction
- the avalanche left a trail of destruction
- the floods caused widespread devastation
- the floods caused widespread devastation
- a furious storm dismasted his ship
- Hence, if the children suffer eternal perdition because their parents, who are themselves Christians, do not teach them how to attain salvation, God will judge and punish the parents.
- the castle was ruined when dynamite was used to demolish one of the corner towers
- commercial malpractice causes the ruination of thousands of people
- the castle was ruined when dynamite was used to demolish one of the corner towers
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