Meaning of વિશ્વાસઘાત in Marathi
- कृतज्ञता
- विश्वासघात
- बेताल
- बेथकिंग
- बेट
- बेथ्र्यू
- विश्वासघातकी
- खंबीर
- विश्वासघात केला
- भविष्यकालीन
- गोंधळ
- त्रिसूत्रीकरण
Meaning of વિશ્વાસઘાત in English
English usage of વિશ્વાસઘાત
- in spite of her bêtise about striped suits he saw her point of view
- these developments represented a betrayal of democracy
- these developments represented a betrayal of democracy
- soon I shall be betrothed to Isabel
- how long have you known your betrothed?
- soon I shall be betrothed to Isabel
- Executors or trustees are fiduciaries - agents legally responsible for managing property for the benefit of another individual or a group.
- a treacherous Gestapo agent
- the treachery of language
- enough of this treacle—let's get back to business
- a treacly black fuel
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