Meaning of વિશ્વાસ in Marathi
- आश्वासन
- विश्वास
- श्रद्धा
- विश्वासार्हता
- विश्वासघात
- विश्वासार्ह
- विश्वासूपणा
- अविश्वास
- त्रिमूर्ती
- विश्वस्तता
- विश्वस्त
- विश्वास ठेवणे
- विश्वास ठेवा
Meaning of વિશ્વાસ in English
English usage of વિશ્વાસ
- the Internet is overflowing with various conspiracy theories with extremely disparate levels of believability
- the superintendent believed Lancaster's story
- we had every confidence in the staff
- this restores one's faith in politicians
- faithfulness in marriage
- this restores one's faith in politicians
- he can be trusted to carry out an impartial investigation
- a shy and trusting child
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