Meaning of વ્યવહાર in Marathi
- करार
- मद्यपान
- व्यवहार
- डील
- वितरण
- वागणूक
- टीके
- ट्रॅक्शन
Meaning of વ્યવહાર in English
English usage of વ્યવહાર
- they had dealings with an insurance company
- they had dealings with an insurance company
- the cards were dealt for the last hand
- he dispensed a gentle pat on Claude's back
- pleasant-mannered
- a primitive vehicle used in animal traction
- the dealer must know the price at which he is prepared to transact
- the dealer must know the price at which he is prepared to transact
- the dealer must know the price at which he is prepared to transact
- in an ordinary commercial transaction a delivery date is essential
- the dealer must know the price at which he is prepared to transact
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