Meaning of શારીરિક in Marathi
- उदास
- शारीरिकरित्या
- बॉड
- शारीरिक
- शरीर
- शरीररचना
- शरीरशैली
- दैहिक
- पुष्कळ
- शारिरिक
- नगरसेवक
- कॉर्पोरेल्स
- सभ्य
- कर्कशूलरियन
- गोंधळ
- धान्य पेरण्याचे यंत्र
- देहधारी
- देहयुक्त
- श्वेतवर्धक
- लहरी
- भौतिक
- वैद्यकीय
- भौतिकवादी
- भौतिकशास्त्र
- भौतिकशास्त्रीय
- भौतिकशास्त्रीयदृष्ट्या
- भौतिकशास्त्रानुसार
- भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञ
- शव
- भांडखोर
- शिरा
Meaning of શારીરિક in English
English usage of શારીરિક
- the restaurant serves bodacious grilled lobster
- their argument did not bode well for the future
- we are bodied beings
- a bodiless head
- children learn to control their bodily functions
- carnal desire
- Many encumbrances that our bodies endure, including detrimental ones like viruses, have an unwelcome and deeply altering effect on our already flimsy corporal authority.
- The Americans - three corporals and one private first class - were from the 4th Ranger Company and had volunteered for a classified mission.
- he was frank about his corporeal appetites
- fleshly pleasures
- a physic for wives to give to impotent husbands
- a whole range of physical and mental challenges
- I found her physically attractive
- he told Mrs. Webb he had physicked himself
- However, the French physiocrats and the British classical economists entirely destroyed the rest of the mercantilist scheme.
- physiological research on the causes of violent behavior
- a sturdy, muscular physique
- This is dependent upon accessing the capillaries, venules , and arterioles of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.
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