Meaning of સંપ્રદાય in Marathi
- पंथ
- संस्कृती
- संस्कृतीवादी
- संप्रदाय
- अलिगर्की
- धर्मनिरपेक्ष
Meaning of સંપ્રદાય in English
English usage of સંપ્રદાય
- the cult of St. Olaf
- the cult of St. Olaf
- a hundred dollars or so, in small denominations
- the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president
- Christians had gone astray and corrupted the God's scriptures by dividing into different sects and beliefs.
- Steve Bainbridge's post, discussed below, cites Russell Kirk's famous insult of libertarians as ‘chirping sectaries .’
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