Meaning of સહમત in Marathi
- समेकित
- कोअधिकृत
- सहसंबंधित
- एकत्र करणे
- सहानुभूती
- कोअरिंग
- सहकारी
- कोहोटेटिंग
- काउहोस्टेड
- काउहोस्टिंग
- कफर्ड
- नाविन्यपूर्ण
- संक्षिप्त
- कन्क्वेड
- अनुक्रम
- सहमती
- एकमत
- जुळवून घेणारा
- अनुवांशिक
- एकत्र
- योगदान दिले
- कंव्हॉकिंग
- सहकार्य
- समर्थक
Meaning of સહમત in English
English usage of સહમત
- our mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature
- Prior to hosting Crossfire, he cohosted CNN's Spin Room.
- Prior to hosting Crossfire, he cohosted CNN's Spin Room.
- a concordance to the Bible
- they concurred in the creation of the disciplinary procedures
- they concurred in the creation of the disciplinary procedures
- you chose to consort with the enemy
- Here, however, several contrived situations are grafted into the plot to generate artificial tension.
- she sent messages convoking a Council of Ministers
- the witness had corroborated the boy's account of the attack
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