Meaning of સ્વીકાર્ય in Marathi
- स्वीकार्य
- स्वीकारणारा
- स्वीकारार्ह
- एसीटेबल
- ओळखण्यायोग्य
- अनुकूलनीय
- मान्य आहे
- आदरणीय
- प्रवेश करण्यायोग्य
- दत्तक
- नाकारले जाणे
- स्वीकृत
- ग्रहण करणे
- ग्रहणक्षम
Meaning of સ્વીકાર્ય in English
English usage of સ્વીકાર્ય
- has tried to find a solution acceptable to everyone
- this design performed acceptably in testing
- They tire people out, wear them down, make them acceptant of shoddy workmanship or service. I'm impressed at the same time as I'm angry.
- rats are highly adaptable to change
- legally admissible evidence
- he turned his back on the modernism he had espoused in his youth
- In all three universities, a Bachelor of Arts may ‘ incept ’ as a Master of Arts as soon as he is of the required academic standing.
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