
Meaning of ஒத்திசைவு in Marathi

  • समानता
  • एकरुप
  • आकलनशीलता
  • अतुल्यकालिकता
  • अतुल्यकालिक
  • एकरूप होणे
  • एकरूपता
  • समन्वय
  • एकत्र करणे
  • सहानुभूती
  • सहकारी
  • सहकारिता
  • कॉहेराल्ड
  • सुसंवाद
  • एकत्रित
  • कोअरिंग
  • सहकारी संस्था
  • सहत्वता
  • सहकार्य
  • कोहोमोलॉजी
  • संमेलन
  • एकत्रीकरण
  • कॉन्कॉझल
  • अंतर्मुखता
  • सान्तिता
  • शंकर
  • शंखवैज्ञानिक
  • शंखशास्त्र
  • कॉन्कोमेट्री
  • शंख
  • मिलनसार
  • एकरूप
  • देहभान
  • एकमत
  • कॉन्डर्डल
  • सुसंगत
  • अनुकुल
  • समक्रमित
  • काँक्रिटिट
  • संयोग
  • कंक्रीसेंट
  • कंक्रीटनेस
  • कंस्ट्रेशनल
  • कंक्रेशन
  • काँक्रिटिझम
  • कंक्रेशनरी
  • काँक्रिटीकरण
  • उपहास
  • सुसंगतता
  • सहमती
  • कॉन्क्रसस
  • संभोग
  • कन्जलिटर्बेट
  • कंजेनरोसनेस
  • समाधान
  • मतभेद
  • निराकरण
  • असंतोष
  • पत्रव्यवहार
  • उदासीनता
  • निराश
  • एकसंध
  • गृहपाठ
  • विसंगती
  • अनहोनोगिनीटी
  • सचित्र
  • प्रगती
  • बेबनाव
  • गैर-समन्वय
  • अविशिष्टता
  • प्रक्षेपण
  • भविष्यवाणी
  • संशोधक
  • संशोधन
  • शोध
  • शोधकर्ता
  • समकालीन
  • समक्रमण
  • समरूप
  • सह
  • सिंकॅकमी
  • सिंटॅक्टिक
  • सर्गेस्टीसिस
  • समानार्थी
  • समानार्थी शब्द
  • समक्रमित करा
  • सिंनथेमा
  • सिंथेरॉलॉजिकल
  • सिंथेरॉलॉजी
  • समरस
  • संश्लेषण
  • सिंथेटिक
  • सिनेट्रोझ
  • सायन्थी
  • शिरोबिंदू
  • समक्रमणात्मक
  • समरूपता
  • साध्याशा
  • समानार्थीपणा
  • सिंक्रोथोजेस
  • सिंटॅस्ट्री
  • स्कार्पेसस
  • स्कार्पेरस
  • समक्रमण श्रेणी
  • सिंक्रोन्डोस
  • सिंक्रोन्ड्रोसिस
  • सिंक्रोन्ड्रोटोमी
  • सिंक्रोफ्लॅश
  • सिंक्रोमॅश
  • समकालिकता
  • समकालिक
  • सिंक्रोट्रॉन
  • सिंक्रेट्रियम
  • सिंकोजेशन
  • संयोग करणारा
  • मध्याक्षरलोप
  • समन्वयशील
  • समन्वितक
  • संसर्ग
  • सिन्सीटियम
  • शल्यक्रियात्मक
  • लैंगिक संबंध
  • भावनाविवश
  • सर्जनोगिक
  • सिंक्रोफोन
  • सुसंस्कृतिक
  • संवेदनाक्षम
  • सिंगलमिक
  • एकसारखा
  • सिग्माजी
  • सिनेनिक
  • सिगेनेशिया
  • सर्जेनेशियन
  • सिंकने
  • सिन्नेरोअरोसिस
  • समानाथी
  • प्रतिशब्द
  • समनुरूप परिभाषा
  • सिन्फर्मस
  • समन्वित
  • सरदार
  • अविचारीपणा
  • अप्रासंगिकता
  • एकमत नसलेलेपणा
  • असहजता
  • असंघटितपणा
  • अस्वस्थता

Meaning of ஒத்திசைவு in English

English usage of ஒத்திசைவு

  • the lack of coalescence among fields of science
  • The coheiresses , in the reign of King John, married Vernon and Bassett.
  • our mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature
  • the work at present lacks cohesion
  • the film lacks cohesiveness
  • A recent post at A Snails's Eye View was about the conchology book Edgar Allan Poe wrote, or rather plagiarized.
  • That geologic concinnity 's taste is what we know and who we are.
  • a pact of peace and concord
  • a concordance to the Bible
  • the answers were roughly concordant
  • However, the two theories do clash, and this stems from the implicit assumption in the lepidomorial theory that ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns equate; i.e., phylogenetic concrescence results from ontogenetic concrescence .
  • a mass of small concretions, each built up layer upon layer around some small nucleus
  • In musical concretism , a material or concrete sound is one which reveals its affinity to the source of the sound.
  • St. Anthony's battle with concupiscence
  • they concurred in the creation of the disciplinary procedures
  • the incidental concurrence of two separate tumors
  • The passages from the specification set out above do not demonstrate any disconformity .
  • the loss of the area disjointed military plans
  • an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles
  • the second movement is a dramatic adagio with lush piano harmonizations
  • the second movement is a dramatic adagio with lush piano harmonizations
  • after homogenization and pasteurization, milk travels to one of six storage tanks
  • Although thought to be particularly associated with Asperger's syndrome, clumsiness or incoordination (developmental coordination disorder) can occur in any of the autistic spectrum disorders
  • she spoke English with a German intonation
  • synchrony
  • It has long been thought that the grouping of telomeres is important for chromosome pairing and subsequent synapsis .
  • Under synarchy , growth-based economics will cease to be the basis for planetary management.
  • Two adjacent ribs, often five and six, and six and seven, sometimes articulate at their costal cartilages by a diarthrosis, synarthrosis , or syndesmosis.
  • Her expertise covers both traditional horary astrology as well as modern techniques ranging from forecasting, synastry (for relationships), to business advice including financial planning and personnel recruitment.
  • the flash needs to be synced to your camera
  • At anthesis, the ovary is completely septate; the syncarpous part (ovary and lower style) is completely symplicate.
  • Closure of the ischiopubic synchondrosis is variable and can occur as early as 3 years.
  • these gearboxes only had synchromesh on higher gears
  • glaciations were approximately synchronous in both hemispheres
  • For example, synchrotrons , cyclotrons, linear accelerators and interplanetary spacecraft all cost too much for single investigators.
  • A series of synclines and anticlines developed within the basin at several localities but most prominently south of the Aghios Georgios fault zone.
  • syncopated dance music
  • Decreased cerebral perfusion may cause impaired consciousness and syncope .
  • The maze experiments used the plasmodium phase of the mould, a multi-nucleate single cell, or syncytium .
  • The maze experiments used the plasmodium phase of the mould, a multi-nucleate single cell, or syncytium .
  • synesthetic perceptions
  • We describe the maternal and paternal contributions to the diploid cell by reminding the students of the origin of a diploid cell and the process of syngamy that follows fertilization.
  • It was shown that spleen cells and infiltrating leukocytes isolated from well-functioning cardiac allografts in immunologically enhanced adult rats suppressed spontaneous blastogenesis of normal syngeneic cells in vitro.
  • erosion beneath the Hercynian unconformity has removed most of the Westphalian strata

Synonyms of ‘ஒத்திசைவு

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