Meaning of கீழ்நோக்கி in Marathi
- कमी
- धडधडणे
- उतरत्या
- दमटपणा
- खाली
- कमी दर्जाचे
- क्षतिग्रस्त
- डाउनहॉल
- खाली डोक्यावर
- उतारा
- डाउनहिल
- सर्वात कमी
- कमीपणाने
- निराधार
- डाउनलोव्हर
- कमी करणे
- अधोगती
- निराश
- पडझड
- उतरती कळा
- डाउनसाइंग
- डाउनटाउन
- हळहळ
- खालच्या दिशेने
- डाउनवर्प
- डाउनडएड
- हद्दपार
- नेदरवर्ड
- गोंधळ
- बाहेरून
- नम्र
- भूमिगत
- अंडरचर्च केलेले
- चिंताग्रस्त
- वंचित
- खाली वाहून गेले
- खाली वाहणारे
- अंडरफ्लो
- अंडरफोल्ड
- अप्रामाणिक
- अंडरहँड
- अधोरेखित
- अधोमुखी
- अंडरहाइव्ह
- अंडरर्स केले
- दु: खी
- अंडरहंग
- क्षुल्लकपणे
- अल्प
- अंडरव्हिल्डली
- अनैतिक
- अंडरप्रूफ
- अंडरनिंग
- अंडरसी
- अंडरइइंग
- अंडरवर्ड
- अंडरस्टर्स्ट
- अंडरस्ट्रास्ट
- अंतर्गत
- अंडरवर्डन
- अंडरवर्ल्ड
Meaning of கீழ்நோக்கி in English
English usage of கீழ்நோக்கி
- The song has three stanzas of six lines, carrying four stresses downbeats separated by upbeats.
- They responded by putting forward a new plan - using the tides of the Huangpu to wash the existing downcomers and main sewer regularly.
- the slightly down-curved bill of a starling
- he ran downhill
- I muscled my way up inclines and picked up speed on the rocky downhills .
- the baby's downy cheek
- rounds streaked downrange at more than a mile a second
- the downriver side of the bridge
- Some people prefer to connect their downspout to underground pipes that carry water well away from the house.
- your body must not sway to the left during the downswing
- your body must not sway to the left during the downswing
- a downward trend in inflation
- For several generations of geologists the name of J. D. Dana was associated with the concept of the geosyncline, an elongated downwarp in the Earth's crust in which a great volume of sediments accumulated.
- warnings were issued to people living downwind of the fire
- the powerful underflow around the wreck
- an underhanded method of snatching clients from rivals
- I served underhand
- he rules with a combination of threats and underhandedness
- It is a bit underproof and is a standard for the rum and coke.
- the westward underthrust of the Pacific Ocean plate
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