Meaning of தானியங்கி in Marathi
- स्वयंचलित
- स्वयंचलित यंत्र
- स्वयंचलितरित्या
- ऑटोमॅटिक्स
- ऑटोमोबाईल
- ऑटोमोटिव्ह
- ऑटोप्टिक
- ऑटोस्लेड
Meaning of தானியங்கி in English
English usage of தானியங்கி
- When the detective in The Erasers eats lunch, it is in an automat where food is reduced to ‘cubes’ and ‘replicas.’
- a fully automated process
- calibration is fully automatic
- the majority of users of this type of camera will shoot in automatic
- When the detective in The Erasers eats lunch, it is in an automat where food is reduced to ‘cubes’ and ‘replicas.’
- automotive parts
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