
Meaning of தூண்டுதல் in Marathi

  • उत्तेजित
  • जागृत करणारा
  • ऐच्छिक
  • नक्षीकाम
  • जागृत करणे
  • उत्तेजक
  • उत्स्फूर्त
  • आश्रय
  • संस्कार
  • अशक्त
  • प्रवृत्त करणे
  • इम्पेलर
  • भयंकर
  • निषेध
  • अभेद्य
  • औत्सुक्य
  • ठसा
  • वाढवणे
  • प्रेरणादायक
  • प्रेरणा
  • अत्यावश्यक
  • प्रेरक
  • प्रभावशाली
  • अविचारीपणे
  • वेगवानपणा
  • तीव्र
  • वेगाने
  • शोषण
  • प्रबोधनपर
  • अर्धपुतळा
  • खोटा
  • ढोंगी
  • अविचारी
  • गोंधळ
  • नकळत
  • अनिवार्य
  • आवेगपूर्ण
  • अंमलबजावणी
  • इजाज करणे
  • प्रक्षेपण
  • भस्म
  • इन्सेन्सरी
  • अविचारीपणा
  • उत्तेजित करणे
  • उत्तेजन
  • भडक
  • चिथावणी देणे
  • भस्म करणारा
  • भडकवणे
  • भस्मसात्रा
  • इंटीप्रेस
  • मनोरुग्ण
  • इनक्युइंग
  • ओतणे
  • नक्कल
  • प्रस्थापित
  • भांडण
  • प्रक्षेपक
  • अनमितीक
  • असमाधानकारक
  • उष्मायन
  • आकलन करणे
  • निरीक्षक
  • भडकवून
  • चिथावणीखोर
  • चिथावणी देणारा
  • उकळणे
  • बोध
  • इन्सिल्टमेंट
  • अंत: करण
  • अंतर्ग्रहण
  • अन्वेषण
  • चक्रव्यूह
  • उत्साहीता
  • आवाहन करीत आहे
  • अनावश्यक
  • मन वळवणे
  • मन वळवणारा
  • प्रचारात्मक
  • चिथावणी देणारी
  • रुसनेस
  • उधळपट्टी
  • चिडखोर
  • कंटाळा
  • उत्तेजनशीलता
  • कंटाळवाणे
  • परीक्षा
  • मोह
  • मोहक
  • ट्रायग
  • ट्रिगर
  • ट्रिगर करा
  • निराशाजनक
  • उद्युक्त करणे

Meaning of தூண்டுதல் in English

English usage of தூண்டுதல்

  • sexual arousal in dreams is common
  • the vivid evocation of stillness in the title poem
  • powerfully evocative lyrics
  • the sight of American asters evokes pleasant memories of childhood
  • a lack of equality impelled the oppressed to fight
  • It can also analyze flows created by assemblies with non-symmetrical enclosures, such as impellers and centrifugal pumps.
  • a lack of equality impelled the oppressed to fight
  • a slight testimonial which I thought fit to impetrate from that worthy nobleman
  • a slight testimonial which I thought fit to impetrate from that worthy nobleman
  • her friend was headstrong and impetuous
  • Article I, Section 8 allows for the collection of ‘taxes, duties, imposts and excises’ but only ‘for revenue necessary’ to finance the government and not to protect any business or industry from international competition.
  • the father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother
  • the aroma of cannabis incensed the air
  • this amounted to an incitement to commit murder
  • the offense of inciting racial hatred
  • the failures of the churches to inculcate a sense of moral responsibility
  • each worker, if formally inducted into the Mafia, is known as a “soldier.”
  • the repeated infliction of pain
  • inspissated secretions
  • Inspissate the medium in a slanting position in a water inspissator at 82°C for two hours.
  • instigating legal proceedings
  • instigating legal proceedings
  • he was deported in 1891 for his instigation and support of the protest
  • he was not the instigator of the incident
  • In Kisumu, at least 100 teachers have rejected an offer by the Kenya National Examinations Council to invigilate and supervise examinations.
  • the antiquated defense of insanity is rarely invoked today
  • his deep understanding of the issues made him a powerful persuader
  • it wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing
  • Monica needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left
  • an informative and persuasive speech
  • a rousing speech
  • she spurred her horse towards the hedge
  • caffeine has stimulant effects on the heart
  • the stimulation of a revolution in intelligence affairs
  • glucose is the main stimulator of insulin release
  • areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli
  • there'll always be someone tempted by the rich pickings of poaching
  • She is a real temptress , testing his chastity.
  • two trig little boys, each in a gray flannel suit
  • an allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork
  • unstimulating conversation
  • he urged her to come and stay with us

Synonyms of ‘தூண்டுதல்

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