Meaning of மறுப்பு in Marathi
- नॉननेलायझेशन
- डेनरी
- नकारार्थी
- विकृत करणे
- नाकारणे
- मनाई
- नकार
- अपमान
- मानहानी
- अपमानजनक
- अपमानकारक
- निनावीपणा
- अमान्य
- निरुपयोगी
- नाकारणारे
- नामुष्की
- अस्वीकृती
- निराकरण
- नाउमेद करणे
- अस्वीकरण
- अविश्वास
- औदासिन्य
- उपेक्षितपणा
- बडबड
- रीबजेट
- धिक्कार
- रीबेट
- रीबस
- नामंजूर
- रीबूट
- सूट
- खंडणी
- खण्डन
- धमकी
- आवडणे
- नूतनीकरण
- मजबुतीकरण
- पुन्हा विचार केला
- खंडन
- स्मरणपत्र
- संन्यास
- टीका
- तिरस्कार
- प्रतिकार
- पुनरुत्पादक
- निराशाजनक
- पुन्हा जाहीर करा
- पुनर्प्रक्रिया
- पुन्हा हक्क
- निषेध
- खंडित
- प्रतिकृती
- प्रतिकूल
Meaning of மறுப்பு in English
English usage of மறுப்பு
- denary numbers
- she shook her head in denial
- I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line
- she braved her mother's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself
- she braved her mother's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself
- Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice
- they know this, despite their disavowals
- they know this, despite their disavowals
- the school disclaimed any responsibility for his death
- the novel carries the usual disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons
- the novel carries the usual disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons
- the school disclaimed any responsibility for his death
- the theory also provides a disproof of the principle of closure
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms
- I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms
- Similar to doing a rebus or crossword puzzle, it's a drawing of nine dots, and the challenge is to connect them without lifting the pen from the paper.
- he had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends
- he had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends
- the establishment or refutal of factual claims
- he fails to give a clear refutation of the argument
- the establishment or refutal of factual claims
- a renunciation of violence
- the repudiation of reformist policies
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