Meaning of மலர் in Marathi
- एक फूल
- फुलणारा
- फ्लोर
- फुलांचा
- फ्लोअरली
- फ्लोमरोर
- फ्लोरमौर
- फ्लोरल
- फ्लोरेट
- फ्लोरेंट
- फ्लोरेसेंस
- फ्लोरीएज
- फ्लोरिएशन
- फ्लोरिटेड
- फ्लोरिलेज
- फुलांनी
- फूल
- पुष्पगुच्छ
- फुले
- कमकुवत करणारा
Meaning of மலர் in English
English usage of மலர்
- At slightly higher concentrations, it contributes to the distinctive and characteristic smell of fino sherry and other flor wines.
- celebrations of the season's floral abundance
- The floriated steel hemisphere, which is meant to suggest a ball of fire, also recalls an ornate chandelier or a tall, open-work crown.
- bedding plants and other summer flowerers
- a flowery meadow
- a flowery meadow
- a flowery meadow
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