Meaning of అదనపు in Marathi
- अतिरिक्त
- जास्त
- अवांतर
- अतिरेकी
- विवाहास्पद
- अवांतरपणे
- पराकोटीचा
- बाह्य
- बाह्यत्व
- बाहेरून
- बाहेरील
- विवाहबाह्य
- बाह्यरुप
- अवांतर करणे
- अतिरेक
- हद्दपार
Meaning of అదనపు in English
English usage of అదనపు
- we require additional information
- are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?
- he is trying to be extra good
- one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material
- I had an education with all the extras
- extravehicular activity
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