Meaning of అవకాశం in Marathi
- संधी
- शक्य
- शक्यतो
- सुसंस्कृत
- योगायोगाने
- संधीसाधू
- संधी मिळालेली
- हळूहळू
- चंचलपणा
- पाठलाग
- शांतता
- कदाचित
- शक्यता
- प्रवण
- संवेदनाक्षमतेने
Meaning of అవకాశం in English
English usage of అవకాశం
- there is little chance of his finding a job
- if they chanced to meet
- the screening process was likely to be chancy and unreliable
- sales are likely to drop further
- he couldn't have arrived at a less opportune moment
- we may see increased opportunities for export
- there was always the possibility that he might be turned down
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