Meaning of ఆవిరి in Marathi
- उघडणे
- उदयास येत आहे
- उत्थान
- बाष्पीभवन
- नापिकी
- सॉना
- स्टीम
- वाफवलेले
- वाफेवर
- वाफ
- वाष्पशीलता
- बाष्पयुक्त
- वाफोरियम
- बाष्प
- वाष्प
- वाष्पशील
- वाष्पीकरण
- वाफ केले
- वाष्पयुक्त
- वाफयुक्त
Meaning of ఆవిరి in English
English usage of ఆవిరి
- the sacs evaginate and come to lie externally
- the sacs evaginate and come to lie externally
- the air-con was broken—the place was like a sauna
- a mug of coffee was steaming at her elbow
- a cornucopia of steamed dumplings
- a small steamy kitchen
- chemical vapors
- he was vaporing on about the days of his youth
- he was vaporing on about the days of his youth
- vaporish people are perpetual subjects for diseases to work upon
- cold gasoline does not vaporize readily
- vaporous poisons
- white, vapory clouds
- chemical vapors
- he was vaporing on about the days of his youth
- he was vaporing on about the days of his youth
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