Meaning of ఉబ్బిన in Marathi
- फुललेला
- फुललेली
- लहरी
- फुगवटा
- मोठा
- खूष
- फडफड
- मूर्ख
- चवदार
- ग्रस्त
- सुजलेल्या
- तेजस्वी
- स्विलँड
- सुजलेली अवस्था
- गोंधळ
- घरघर
Meaning of ఉబ్బిన in English
English usage of ఉబ్బిన
- he had a bloated, unshaven face
- the veins in his neck bulged
- the veins in his neck bulged
- he stared with bulging eyes
- you need to be able to work under pressure and not get flustered
- puffed eyelids
- exercises that make you puff
- her eyes were puffy and full of tears
- a stuffy, overcrowded office
- Barney sweltered in his doorman's uniform
- I swilled out the mug
- the illness often leaves her wheezing
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