Meaning of కృతజ్ఞత in Marathi
- कृतज्ञ
- कृतज्ञता
- शेगडी
- आनंद देणे
- दातृत्व
- गंभीरता
- कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करा
- कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करत आहे
- कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करणे
- कृतघ्न
- कृतघ्नता
- तीव्र करणे
- विचित्र
- आरंभ करणे
- उपकार मानणे
- उत्कर्ष
- भांडखोर
- आभारी आहे
Meaning of కృతజ్ఞత in English
English usage of కృతజ్ఞత
- I was gratified to see the coverage in May's issue
- she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- an ingratiating manner
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- she returned her daughter's care with ingratitude and unkindness
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