Meaning of తప్పు in Marathi
- गोंधळ
- चुकीचे
- चुकणे
- अंधुक
- चूक
- चुकले
- भांडणे
- पात्र
- चुकीचा
- काम
- त्रुटी
- त्रुटीवादी
- दोष
- कमी होणे
- गलती
- फॉलिबिनेस
- फॉल्ट
- फॉल्ट लाइन
- फॉल्टर
- फॉल्टफिंड
- दोषपूर्ण
- अर्धवट
- अपवादात्मक
- सदोष
- भयानक
- कुत्रा
- निराकरण
- अयोग्यता
- अविनाशी
- व्यत्यय आणणे
- ओतप्रोत
- कुरूपता
- कुरूप
- विकृत
- चुकीचे देणे
- चुकीची
- गैरवर्तन
- दुरूपयोग
- दुष्कर्म
- गैरसमज
- दिशाभूल
- त्रास देणे
- अज्ञात
- चुकीचे बनविलेले
- मिसमेल
- आश्चर्यकारक
- असमानता
- गैरप्रकार
- चुकत आहे
- ओढणे
- चुकीचा जन्म
- चुकीचे बोलणे
- चुकीचे मत
- अस्पष्टपणा
- कळवा
- अनिश्चित
- न संपलेले
- बेअसर
- अयोग्य
- न चुकता
- अप्रिय
- चुकीचे काम
- चिडखोर
- वावरा
- चुकीचेपणा
- दुष्टपणा
- बॅडरेल
Meaning of తప్పు in English
English usage of తప్పు
- there was something amiss about his calculations
- I blundered on in my explanation
- I blundered on in my explanation
- both her parents are supportive, if a bit blundering
- the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
- she asked Tim to run an errand for her
- he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways
- the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
- she took her erring husband back because she loved him and thought he would change
- employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions
- technology is not a cure for human fallibility
- experts can be fallible
- my worst fault is impatience
- you cannot fault him for the professionalism of his approach
- a car with faulty brakes
- a car with faulty brakes
- a complex pattern of faulting
- a car with faulty brakes
- the doctor gave you incorrect advice
- There are other quirky problems surrounding the phenomenon of incorrupt bodies of saints.
- sorbitol is miscible with glycerol
- Athy battled on in search of an equaliser and Joe Tynan had a penalty appeal dismissed by Referee Tommy Masterson and Paul Kelly miscued his shot from 10 yards after a fine through ball from Tynan.
- his past misdeeds were forgiven
- when a police officer goes to prison, he often suffers more for his misdoings
- it is physically impossible to mismate connectors
- because I was inexperienced I mistook the nature of our relationship
- I have done you a great wrong
- the head of the bank has denied any wrongdoing
- he is suing the police for wrongful arrest
- please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged
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