Meaning of ప్రతికూల in Marathi
- प्रतिकूल
- प्रतिवादी
- प्रतिरोधक
- नकारार्थी
- नकारात्मक
- उपेक्षित
Meaning of ప్రతికూల in English
English usage of ప్రతికూల
- Davie qualifies bold assertions and subordinate escape-clauses, paradoxical epithets and sentences opening with an adversative link.
- adverse weather conditions
- But to generate knowledge independently of experience, a priori warrants must produce warranted true belief in counterfactual situations where experiences are different.
- she replied in the negative
- the bill was negatived by 130 votes to 129
- the bill was negatived by 130 votes to 129
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