Meaning of ముందు భాగం in Marathi
- मुख्यालय
- फ्रंटिंग
- फ्रंटस्पीस केलेले
- फ्रंटस्पीस
Meaning of ముందు భాగం in English
English usage of ముందు భాగం
- It will be simplest to not sell the carcass in any greater break down than one-half of one-half which is equivalent to one-quarter of beef but includes half the meat from the forequarter and half from the hindquarter.
- we sold the uphill land that fronted on the road
- Passerotti's Self-Portrait with Skeleton, Ecorche and Nudes, early 1580s (Warsaw University Library), is presumed to have been drawn as the frontispiece for his book.
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