Good read. Value for money. Do buy and read. Should not take more than a few hours to read. Entertaining. Brillant book by VP Kale. He writes close to life. Light hearted & relaxing. Read more
Ashwini...: Tu Nahis... Tarihi Ahes ! Read more
Chala Antarikshat Read more
आपलं मन खरंच चमत्कार घडवू शकतं. आपल्याला अधिकाधिक यश आणि श्रीमंती मिळवून देऊ शकतं. अंतर्मन आपल्याला उत्तम स्वास्थ्य, मधुर नाती आणि संतुष्टी देऊ शकतं. दारूसारख्या व्यसनातून आपली कायमची सुटका करू शकतं. आपलं वैवाहिक जीवन प्रेममय बनवू शकतं. थोडक्यात जीवन
Murphy, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, wrote this book to explain to readers how they could attain the source of their good and to get desired results through proper prayer. It is a manual on how to pray, how to maintain prayer as par